By Randy Rolfe
In addictive, artificial sugars, artificial sweeteners, caffeine, Carcinogenic, chemical, chemical additives, chemicals, chips, flavorings, foods, glucose, Healthy Eating, Healthy Family, Healthy Living, heart disease, heart problems, Hormone, medications, mood, natural, natural living, obese, processed foods, processed meats, protein, pure sugar, real food, real foods, refined, refined desserts, refined foods, refined protein, refined purified, refined seed oils, refined sugars, refined vegetable oil, refined white flours, single ingredient foods, sleep, soda, sugar, sugar craving, sugar triggers, temptation
Posted Why Food Additives Are Dangerous
Welcome back to the channel! Today, I’m diving into a crucial topic: food additives. It might sound like a good thing—after all, adding something to our food seems beneficial, right? But in [...]