In AARP, active, addictive, additive, additives, ADHD, Aging, almonds, Amazon, angry, anxiety, apple, apricot, arsenic, artificial sugars, artificial sweeteners, autoimmune, baking soda, balanced, berries, beverage, beverages, blood, book, brain, brand, breakfast, broccoli, brominated vegetable oils, bromine, brown sugar, BVO, caffeine, calories, cane, carbonated, Carcinogenic, cardiovascular, carrots, cashews, ceramics, Cereal, Challenged, cheese, chemical, chemical additives, chemical companies, chemicalized, chemicals, chewing gum, child, children, chips, chocolate, chocolate bars, chocolate candy, cholesterol, Christmas, Chronic, chronic diseases, chronic problems, chronic stress, clot, Cobalt, cocoa bean shells, cocoa puffs, coffee, coffee plant, coffee plantations, coffee plants, cognitive, cognitive decline, cold, colorful, concentrated, contaminants, contaminated, corn oil, creativity, date, date seeds, Decaffeinated coffee, decent, depressed, depression, detox, diabetes, diet, disease, drinking coffee, emotional stress, emulsifier, encourage, endocrine, energy, enjoy, erythritol, fabulous, family life, fat, fats, fatty, fatty liver, fear, fenugreek seeds, fiber, fibered food, fig, flavorings, food, food pollution, food processors, food without fear, foods, fried, fructose, fruit, fruits, frustrated, gasoline, General, glucose, GMO, grandchildren, granddaughter's, graphite, GRASS, great grandmother, great surprise, ground, guava, Halloween, Happy Newyear, health, healthy, healthy animal, Healthy Eating, Healthy Family, Healthy Living, healthy metabolism, heart disease, heart problems, hearts, heavy metal, heavy metals, Hormone, hot water, hydrate, hydrated, industrialized diets, Inflammation, ingredients, insulin, kidneys, lactose, lazy, lead, learning disabilities, Lemon, Life lessons, manipulated, maple syrup, medications, Merry Christmas, micronutrients, milk, Mindful Eating, minerals, Moderation, modern industrial processes, molasses, mood, Motherhood, myths, natural, natural food, natural living, natural moisture, natural structure, nerves, neurological diseases, neurotransmitters, nut, nuts, obese, organic, organic farming, overstressed, paints, Parenting, pastries, pea protein, pear, potatoes, pregnant, processed, processed meats, prune, pure sugar, purified, quality health, Ramon seed, real foods, refined, refined desserts, refined foods, refined protein, refined purified, refined seed oils, refined sugars, refined vegetable oil, refined white flours, roasting beans, salad dressings, salt, salty, Saturated Fats, single ingredient food, single ingredient foods, starch, stressful, strokes, substitute coffee, sugar, sugar beets, sugar craving, sweet, sweet flavor, sweetness, taste, taste sensation, The Single Ingredient Diet, tired, tooth, toothpaste, toxic, Toxic chemicals, turkey, turmeric, ultra processed food, ultra processing, vegetables, vitamins, weak, Wellnes, Wellness, whole food, whole natural foods, xylitol

Start 2025 Strong! How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions for Health & Wellness

Hi, Randy Rolfe here, wishing you a Happy New Year in 2025!  Most American adults make New Year’s resolutions, especially around health, wellness, and diet, but did you know only 10% [...]

In addictive, additive, additives, Aging, anxiety, artificial sugars, artificial sweeteners, balanced, beverage, beverages, breakfast, brown sugar, Carcinogenic, cardiovascular, Cereal, chemical, chemical additives, chemical companies, chemicalized, chemicals, chocolate bars, chocolate candy, cholesterol, chronic diseases, chronic problems, chronic stress, cognitive, cognitive decline, concentrated, contaminants, contaminated, corn oil, depressed, depression, diabetes, diet, disease, emotional stress, fibered food, food, food pollution, food processors, food without fear, foods, fructose, glucose, grandchildren, granddaughter's, health, healthy, healthy animal, Healthy Eating, Healthy Family, Healthy Living, healthy metabolism, heart disease, heart problems, industrialized diets, Inflammation, ingredients, kids, learning disabilities, manipulated, medications, micronutrients, milk, minerals, modern industrial processes, molasses, mood, natural, natural food, natural living, natural moisture, natural structure, neurological diseases, obese, organic, organic farming, overstressed, phytonutrients, poor diet, processed, processed foods, processed meats, protein, pure sugar, purified, quality health, real chewing, real food, real foods, refined, refined desserts, refined foods, refined protein, refined purified, refined seed oils, refined sugars, refined vegetable oil, refined white flours, reprocessed foods, salt, single ingredient food, single ingredient foods, sugar, sugar craving, sugar triggers, sugary, sweet, sweet flavor, sweetness, taste, taste sensation, tastes, tasty, temptation, texturized proteins, The Single Ingredient Diet, toxic, Toxic chemicals, turbinado sugar, ultra processed food, ultra processing, vitamins, Wellness, whole food, whole natural foods, youngest generation

Child Sues Big Food for Type 2 Diabetes | A Turning Point in the Fight Against Ultra-Processed Foods

For 40 years, I’ve been warning people about the dangers of ultra-processed foods, and now, a groundbreaking lawsuit is shedding light on this crisis. Bryce Martinez, a child diagnosed with [...]


Human Resilience vs. Fragility: What Modern Life is Teaching Us

Welcome to my channel! I’m Randy, and today I tackle a thought-provoking question: Are we truly as fragile as society often tells us? In this video, I delve into the ideas presented in two [...]


How Ultra-Processed Foods may contribute to cognitive decline

In this video, we delve into the critical connection between food and the mind. Recent studies have shown that increasing your intake of ultra-processed foods by just 10% can lead to a [...]