By Randy Rolfe
In AARP, active, addictive, additive, additives, ADHD, almonds, Amazon, angry, anxiety, apple, apricot, arsenic, artificial sugars, artificial sweeteners, autoimmune, baking soda, balanced, berries, beverage, beverages, blood, book, brain, brand, breakfast, broccoli, brominated vegetable oils, bromine, brown sugar, BVO, caffeine, calories, cane, carbonated, Carcinogenic, cardiovascular, carrots, cashews, ceramics, Cereal, Challenged, cheese, chemical, chemical additives, natural food, natural living, natural structure, nerves, neurological diseases, neurotransmitters, newest, noodles, organic farming, overstressed, paints, Parenting, pastries, pear, pencils, pesticides, phosphatidylsterine, phytonutrients, processed, processed foods, processed meats, profits, protein, pure sugar, purified, quality health, refined, refined desserts, refined foods, refined protein, refined purified, refined seed oils, refined sugars, refined vegetable oil, refined white flours, refrigerator, Relationships, reprocessed foods, salad dressings, Saturated Fats, single ingredient food, single ingredient foods, stressful, strokes, substitute coffee, sugar beets, sugar craving, sweet flavor, sweetness, taste sensation, tastes, textures, texturized proteins, turmeric, ultra processed food, ultra processing, vegetables, vitamins, walk it off, weak, Wellness, wheat, whole food, whole natural foods, willed, xylitol, youngest generation, Youthful
Posted Human Resilience vs. Fragility: What Modern Life is Teaching Us
Welcome to my channel! I’m Randy, and today I tackle a thought-provoking question: Are we truly as fragile as society often tells us? In this video, I delve into the ideas presented in two [...]